Commandes UNIX
Commandes systeme
$ uname –a # display linux system information
$ uname –r # display kernel release information
$ uptime # show how long system running + load
$ hostname # show system host name
$ hostname -i # display the IP address of the host
$ last reboot # show system reboot history
$ date # show the current date and time
$ cal # show this month calendar
$ w # display who is online
$ whoami # who you are logged in as
$ finger user # display information about user
$ lsb_release -d # display ubuntu version
Terminal related
$ reset # Reset the terminal if display fucks
$ stty insane # if previous doesn't work
Hardware related
$ dmesg # detected hardware and boot messages
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo # CPU model
$ cat /proc/meminfo # hardware memory
$ cat /proc/interrupts # lists the number of interrupts per CPU per I/O device
$ lshw # displays information on hardware configuration of the system
$ lsblk # displays block device related information in Linux
$ free -m # used and free memory (-m for MB)
$ lspci -tv # show PCI devices
$ lspci -nnk | egrep -iA3 "VGA" # display graphic driver information
$ lsusb -tv # show USB devices
$ lshal # show a list of all devices with their properties
$ dmidecode # show hardware info from the BIOS
$ hdparm -i /dev/sda -show info about disk sda
$ hdparm -tT /dev/sda # do a read speed test on disk sda
$ badblocks -s /dev/sda # test for unreadable blocks on disk sda
Statistics and Analyze
$ top # display and update the top cpu processes
$ mpstat 1 # display processors related statistics
$ vmstat 2 # display virtual memory statistics
$ iostat 2 # display I/O statistics (2sec Intervals)
$ tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog # last 10 kernel/syslog messages
$ tcpdump -i eth1 # capture all packets flows on interface eth1
$ tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' # monitor all traffic on port 80 ( HTTP )
$ lsof # list all open files belonging to all active processes
$ lsof -u testuser # list files opened by specific user
$ free –m # show amount of RAM
$ watch df –h # watch changeable data continuously
$ id # show the active user id with login and group
$ last # show last logins on the system
$ who # show who is logged on the system
$ groupadd admin # add group "admin" (force add existing group)
$ useradd -c "Joe Smith" -g admin -m joe # Create user "joe" and add to group "admin"
$ userdel joe # delete user joe (force,file removal)
$ adduser joe # add user "joe"
$ usermod # modify user information
File Commands
$ gpg -c file # encrypt file
$ gpg file.gpg # decrypt file
$ iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-17 fichier.txt >> new-encodage.txt
$ ldd binary-path # list shared object dependencies
$ ldconfig -p # list all libs in current cache
Gestion des processus
$ ps # display your currently active processes
$ ps -e # display all active processes
$ ps f # display your currently active processes in a tree way
$ ps aux | grep 'telnet' # find all process id related to telnet process
$ pmap # memory map of process
$ top # display all running processes
$ kill pid # kill process with mentioned pid id
$ killall proc # kill all processes named proc
$ pkill processname # send signal to a process with its name
$ bg # resumes suspended jobs without bringing them to foreground
$ fg # brings the most recent job to foreground
$ fg n # brings job n to the foreground
Permission des fichiers
$ chmod octal file-name # change the permissions of file to octal , which can be found separately for user, group and world; octal value 4 -read 2 –write 1 –execute
$ chown owner-user file # change owner of the file
$ chown owner-user:owner-group file-name # change owner and group owner of the file
$ chown owner-user:owner-group directory # change owner and group owner of the directory
$ ifconfig –a # display all network ports and ip address
$ ifconfig eth1 mtu 9000 up # set mtu to 9000
$ ifconfig eth0 # display specific ethernet port ip address and details
$ ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr # display MAC address
change MAC address:
# ifconfig eth0 down
# ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:80:48:BA:d1:30
# ifconfig eth0 up
$ ip addr show # display all network interfaces and ip address (available in iproute2 package,powerful than ifconfig)
$ ip address add dev eth0 # set ip address
$ ethtool eth0 # linux tool to show ethernet status (set full duplex , pause parameter)
$ mii-tool eth0 # linux tool to show ethernet status (more or like ethtool)
$ ping host # send echo request to test connection (learn sing enhanced ping tool)
$ whois domain # get who is information for domain
$ dig domain # get DNS information for domain (screenshots with other available parameters)
$ dig -x host # reverse lookup host
$ host # lookup DNS ip address for the name
$ nslookup # lookup DNS information for the name
$ hostname –i # lookup local ip address (set hostname too)
$ wget file # download file (very useful other option)
WiFi related:
$ iwconfig wlan0 essid "mynetworkESSID" # specify ESSID for the WLAN
$ dhclient wlan0 # to receive an IP address, netmask, DNS server and default gateway from the Access Point
$ iwconfig wlan0 mode managed key [WEP key] # 128 bit WEP use 26 hex characters, 64 bit WEP uses 10
$ iwconfig wlan0 mode master # set the card to act as an access point mode
$ iwconfig wlan0 mode managed # set card to client mode on a network with an access point
$ iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc # set card to peer to peer networking or no access point mode
$ iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor # set card to RFMON mode
$ iwconfig wlan0 essid any # with some cards you may disable the ESSID checking
$ iwconfig wlan0 key 1111-1111-1111-1111 # set 128 bit WEP key
$ iwconfig wlan0 key off # disable WEP key
$ iwconfig wlan0 key open # sets open mode, no authentication is used and card may accept non-encrypted sessions
$ iwlist wlan0 scan # give the list of Access Points and Ad-Hoc cells in range (ESSID, Quality, Frequency, Mode etc.)
$ iwlist wlan0 power # list the various Power Management attributes and modes of the device
$ iwlist wlan0 txpower # list the various Transmit Power available on the device
$ iwlist wlan0 retry # list the transmit retry limits and retry lifetime on the device
Sockets related
$ netstat -lntup # Display a listing of all active listening ports
$ ss -aE # Continually display state of sockets
$ lsof -i # List of all internet and x.25 network files
Install Package
$ rpm -i pkgname.rpm # install rpm based package
$ rpm -e pkgname # remove package
$ grep pattern files # search for pattern in files
$ grep -r pattern dir # search recursively for pattern in dir
$ locate file # find all instances of file
$ find /home/tom -name 'index*' # find files names that start with "index"
$ find /home -size +10000k # find files larger than 10000k in /home
Synchronisation de fichiers
$ rsync -a /home/apps /backup/ # synchronize source to destination
$ rsync -avz /home/apps gordon@ # synchronize files/directories between the local and remote system with compression enabled
Disk Usage
$ df –h # show free space on mounted filesystems
$ df -i # show free inodes on mounted filesystems
$ fdisk -l # show disks partitions sizes and types
$ du -ah # display disk usage in human readable form
$ findmnt # displays target mount point for all filesystem
$ mount device-path mount-point # mount a device
Visualiser les imprimantes CUPS
Raccourcis claviers
Alt+Ctrl+T # open Terminal Window
Alt+Ctrl+L # lock the screen
Alt+Ctrl+Del # logoff
Alt+F4 # close current window
Alt+F2 # pop up command window (for quickly running commands)
Super-W # show all windows in the current workspace
Ctrl+Super+D # show desktop
Ctrl+A # select all items on list or text
Ctrl+C # copy all selected items to clipboard
Ctrl+X # cut all selected items to clipboard
Ctrl+V or Mouse middle button click # paste all selected items to clipboard
PrintScr # takes screenshot
Alt+PrintScr # takes screenshot of windows
Shift+PrintScr # takes screenshot of selected window area